Rituals Wellness offers homeopathy as a holistic alternative.


Homeopathy is founded on the belief that health issues are best addressed at their root.
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is founded on the belief that health issues are best addressed at their root by stimulating the body’s innate healing response and encouraging it to repair itself. Since homeopathic remedies are free of chemicals in physiological quantities, they can be safely used as a complementary remedy in conjunction with other modalities of treatment.

A Holistic alternative

In homeopathy, the essence lies in the energy of the medicinal substance.
How does it work?

In homeopathy, the essence lies in the energy of the medicinal substance. To activate the energy, the remedy is potentised by systematic dilution and dynamisation through intentional shaking, a process known as succussion. The higher the potentisation — the higher the energetic imprint of the remedy.

The resulting therapeutic solution is most commonly added to a medium such as sugar pills for easy consumption. For clients based in a different geographical location, we will deliver directly or work with pharmacies in your country who will prepare the medicines with care and send it to you.

Our Process

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Homeopathy is based on the principle of “Similia Similibus Curentur” or “like cures like.” For example, Allium cepa, the common onion which cause tears and running nose, helps to relieve irritated mucous membranes in hay fever and allergies. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the vital force in the body, eliciting a natural healing response and resolving the original condition.

  • While eating right will help boost your body’s immune system, homeopathy, unlike home therapy, is a medicinal practice which processes specific ingredients to suit your constitution. The strength and frequency of each dosage is prescribed and controlled, making its effects different from simply eating everyday good food.

  • For the treatment to be effective, we strongly recommend avoiding harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco when receiving homeopathic treatment. There could also be specific foods to avoid for specific remedies. However, you can take conventional medicine alongside your homeopathic remedies.

  • We will deliver directly and work hand in hand with homeopathic pharmacies all over the world, so you can receive effective treatment in your home country. Our prescriptions are sent to these pharmacies, who will concoct the medicine and send it to you locally.

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