


Rituals Wellness uses various spices to create effective homeopathic treatments.
Flowers and herbs are used in homeopathic treatments.

“The highest ideal of cure is the speedy.gentle and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.”

-Dr Samuel Hahnemann

Our Values

At Rituals Wellness, we understand the value of homeopathic treatment, drawing on nature’s energy and the body’s natural healing abilities to attain wellness.

We combine physical healing with mental wellness, empowering our clients to attain overall holistic wellbeing as well as helping them find happiness and healing through our homeopathic practice.

Founder’s Words

recovery Doesn’t have to come with a brusque consultation, painful injections, or bitter medicine. Instead, it could be gentle, nature-based, and effective.

Dr Jyothi

Our Founder

Meet Dr. Jyothi

As a homeopathic doctor and therapist, she helps families to attain their optimal wellbeing, especially preteens and young adults.

With a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine & Homeopathy, and Master’s Degrees in Psychology and Counselling, she combines physical healing with mental wellness for overall holistic health.

As a mother of two teenage boys, and a fur baby she finds purpose in being an urban gardener and leading a ecofriendly sustainable lifestyle.

She serves clients, both locally in Singapore and globally, through a hybrid treatment of online therapy or in-person sessions with local and international delivery of medicines.

Our Mission

  • Our homeopathic treatments are grounded in counselling and connection.


    Health is more than just the physiological pains of the body — it’s also your energy and mental wellness. Our practice is grounded in counselling and connection to help you achieve holistic wellbeing and well-rounded health.

  • Rituals Wellness provides not just homeopathic treatments but also a sanctuary where you can express yourself.


    Rituals Wellness is a space where you can fully express yourself. Often, our physiological problems are manifestations of inner issues. We encourage free and open discussions to understand what lies beneath the surface of physiological problems.

  • Rituals Wellness empowers your body to heal itself through homeopathic treatments.


    You were born with the tools for self-healing. Empower yourself to tap into your natural abilities with homeopathic treatment, guided by counselling sessions to improve your mental wellbeing.

Healing Rituals

Our products draw on nature’s energy and your innate healing abilities to help you attain wellness. When combined with a counselling approach, a holistic homeopathic routine can help you heal from the inside out.

Our Soaps
Himalayan Lavender
Soapnut Blast Dishwashing Soap
Calming Chamomile

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